Rapidly expand your vocabulary in another language.

Play through thousands of fill-in-the-blank sentences in over 50 languages, learn in context, and track your progress.

Clozemaster is the best resource for advanced beginner and intermediate learners to get fluent faster.

What's a "cloze"?

A cloze test (also cloze deletion test or occlusion test) is an exercise, test, or assessment consisting of a portion of language with certain items, words, or signs removed (cloze text), where the participant is asked to replace the missing language item. - Wikipedia

Everything in context.

No more single word flashcards. No more guessing how a word is used. Learn vocabulary in context by filling in the missing word for thousands of sentences.

More than 50 languages available.

And over 170 language pairings. Learn German from English, Portuguese from Swedish, or Russian from French. See them all.

Fun and measureable progress.

Score points and work your way up the leaderboard. Master sentences via spaced repetition. Track your progress by word frequency.

Free to sign up and play.

Clozemaster Pro subscribers get access to advanced features and stats - but everything you need to learn fast is free and always will be. Get started.

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It's the best language learning app and I say it based on my experience with almost all famous language learning apps. The have recently added a functionality to analyze the sentences grammatically and it's unique and just amazing!

Oliver K, Google Play

Best of all language learning apps I've tried, and I've tried a plenty. With this app, I actually retain the vocabulary and sentence structures I learn, while most other apps that provide a more fun game-like experience end up almost useless for actual learning.

Pentti S., Google Play

Actually the best language learning app I’ve come across. Has so many ways of interacting with your target language (listening, speaking, writing, a passive-listening radio mode) with many settings to tailor how challenged you want to be in any given module. I appreciate that the vocabulary and grammar is always varied and that constant review is pushed (this differs from Duolingo, which I find overly repetitive and too ‘babied’). Idk, I never write reviews but I thought it was necessary this once because this app just rocks.

Norchy01, App Store

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